This site is kept in loving memory of Trish Reske, who passed in October of 2021.
Trish was a writer - this site captures a bit of her incredible sense of humor.
You can read Trish's full obituary here.

New to Running? Join our runners group and run the Sharon Timlin 5K in June

Two years ago, I coached a group of over two dozen new runners to complete their first 5K.  The idea came after I wrote an article for baystateparent magazine called “You Are a Runner!”  I wrote the article to inspire women and men to consider running as a way to acheive their fitness goals.

But I know from experience that it can be frustrating to get motivated by reading an article but then not know where to start.

So we decided to put together a new runner’s group through baystateparent and train together to run the Sharon Timlin Memorial 5K for ALS in Hopkinton, MA.

The eight-week program connected participants virtually via Facebook, with some in-person training runs as well. We had participants from all over Massachusetts, and one as far away as Hawaii join us.

Many of those first-time runners acheived a goal they never thought they could just eights weeks before – running 3.1 miles.  All of them finished with big smiles on their faces. Some continued running after the race. I recently learned that participant Sandy Meindersma just completed the NYC Half Marathon. Congrats Sandy! I am so proud of all she has accomplished, and she’ll be the first to tell you that running has transformed her life.

This year, I’ll be coaching new runners again for the Sharon Timlin 5K, using the same program. You can learn about the details and sign up here. I’d love to have you join the team. It’s a great way to feel supported, train smart, and meet others with the same goal.

And if you’re still not convinced, read what some of the participants had to say about their experience.

I hope you’ll join us!

About the Author

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