This site is kept in loving memory of Trish Reske, who passed in October of 2021.
Trish was a writer - this site captures a bit of her incredible sense of humor.
You can read Trish's full obituary here.

2012 Boston Marathon Boston Marathon Boston Marathon Training Dick and Rick Hoyt Boston Marathon Dick Hoyt Inspirational running stories Rick Hoyt Running Team Hoyt Yes you Can! Choose from the

You are browsing the archives of "2012 Boston Marathon Boston Marathon Boston Marathon Training Dick and Rick Hoyt Boston Marathon Dick Hoyt Inspirational running stories Rick Hoyt Running Team Hoyt Yes you Can! Choose from the."

Dads Rock: Dick Hoyt

Dads Rock: Dick Hoyt Published June 2012 in baysyateparent magazine You may have seen them at the Boston Marathon, the barrel-chested father pushing his 125- pound quadriplegic son in a wheelchair, cheered on by fans and fellow runners. Their presence elicits both cheers and tears from bystanders, who witness with awe the dad who has competed with his disabled son in over 1,075 running events in the past 33 years. This past April, Dick and Rick Hoyt completed their 30th Boston Marathon– a more